North Springs Charter High School

North Springs Charter High School

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Athletic Fees, Food, Photos

Fees are now due for team members. Please see the email from Coach Lee for detailed information and links to pay. Boys' parents, THANK YOU for your immediate response to our call for food sign ups! There are a few match days left to fill. If you have not signed up for your days, please follow the link: Food Sign Ups

Girls' parents, please let us know if someone is heading up the food for the girls. We do need to provide food for the teams who come to play at North Springs during the month of February, so we need someone to help organize. Thank you in advance!

If you take photos of practice or matches, please share them with us! Click on the photo album below to see a few more images. More to come!

Monday, January 26, 2015


Practices have begun. Welcome to all new players!

REQUIRED ATTENDANCE for parent meeting Monday evening, 1/26 in Mr. G's room.
See you there!